You’ve heard of podcasting. It’s the newest trend in both business and art. But just what is a podcast? How can businesses utilize podcasts? Why would you? How would you? Let’s discuss, on today’s Straight Shot Marketing Podcast


Welcome everyone to another exciting episode of Straight Shot Marketing Podcast. As you well know, because you are listening or watching us right now as a podcast, the art of podcasting has  grown substantially. Podcasts are everywhere and, in true form to the mission of our show, we are going to talk about HOW BUSINESSES CAN IMPACT OUR EVERYDAY LIVES THROUGH PODCASTING. So, how can businesses get into, the podcasting game?


And we are going to do that, but jumping into a seminar that Zachary taught late last year from the Cobb County Chamber and the SBA’s SCORE organization. For those that may not know, Zachary gets asked to be a key-note speaker for different organizations and to teach on certain marketing and business-related topics quite often and we thought we would share clips from one, here on the podcast.


Yes, so we’ll be trying to condense a 2-hour lecture into a 45 min podcast episode today.


Awe you can do it! Just give us the good stuff!


Alrighty, the good stuff –coming right up.


You know, this isn’t the best workshop to show… the Cobb chamber building was under- construction so they moved the seminar to a satellite office with no decor, limited technology with the little tv on the wall, not much to look at, I’m just sayin’.


Well I started the seminar with letting people know where podcasting came from and what is it. So let’s jump in there.



You know a lot of people don’t know that. I love the origin of words… people have even forgotten about the iPod since

the iPhone came out…including Apple


Well the iPhone is what led them to start becoming so popular again. I mean,

the originated almost 20 years ago…


Let’s skip ahead to where you are discussing podcasts today and how they are structured and categorized.




Ok I’m going to cut out again there, next I go into a bunch of statistics as to how podcasting has grown, whyit has grown, and the future growth trends that we can expect. It’s a good place to skip ahead because you can google

statistics if you want ---but suffice to say that podcasting is a growing market and that it was spurred on most recently by smart phone usage.


But I will tell you this because it is relevant to how you build your podcast or choose what podcast you, as a business, are looking to sponsor….




Also, the recall on podcast ads is greater than TV ads.. Because sponsors of podcasts and YouTube channels are respected more that TV. They trust the podcast to vet the sponsors.



Ok so we’ve determined podcasting is on the way up and businesses should get involved. Let’s jump back in as you start to talk specifics about how business can get involved in podcasts.




Ok so let’s stop for a minute because there was a lot there.


Those were all ways for businesses to get involved with existing podcasts.

-Be a guest

-Sponsor (several different levels here)



Now, let’s jump into the options for creating a new podcast.




So to clarify –when making your own podcast.


You can:

•Have one or multiple shows, each with a different target

•You can produce a show with a hired host (not you)

–a professional, actor, or celebrity

•You can be featured on the show yourself.

•You or one of your employees


So the next question is WHY –why would you want to make your own show? What are the benefits?




So let’s get into the how –how does a business sponsor a podcast? Let’s watch. .



Ok, one element that wasn’t mentioned there. Podcasts will also have what’s called a Media Kit that they distribute to businesses, usually its’ also on their website. It will have information about the host for new media to use when making a story about the podcast, but it will also have information about their audience and how to get involved and sponsors the show. Ours is in the site navigation, hover over podcast, and the second link says Media Kit.



Ok, what if you are thinking about making your own? How do you do that?


There are lots of things to consider. Let’s join in again as Zachary discussing the first phase on starting your business’s own podcast –set up:



After that, we have the episodic elements.

-Researching the topic you are going to be talking about

-Making show notes/outlines

-Performing and recording the show


I’m not going to get into the logistics of those elements today but know that you have two basic options –rent  studio time or build a studio to record in.


Next is editing. You need to have someone with experience edit your show or you can acquire the skills

and experience necessary to edit the show yourself.



So Zachary, they have their podcast… we’ve covered all of that. How do they go about promoting it?


Well let’s take a look



And then finally, how much does it cost. Now, I know you went into depth with that at the event.


I did, I’m not going to do that today in the interest of time and keeping the episode short but I will share the intro to that section, we is likely the most important part. So, enjoy:



That is probably one of the most valuable things you’ve ever shared. All decisions come  down to that. Not just business -for example, curling my hair, doing my nails, cleaning my house –it all comes down to… are they better at it than I am, do I want to pay how much it’s going to cost in light of how much stress it will save me to have a professional

do it. Wash my car, I’ll let me kid do that b/c I don’t value having it done professionally as much as I would having my house painted, I’m not allowing my son to do that… nor am I going to do it, b/c I don’t have the time.. My time would be better spent doing other things… very insightful lesson, thank you.


Well, your welcome. The important thing to note is that you have options. You can do it yourself or you can hire a professional to do it either for you or with you, as budget allows.


Now, we are gonna take a second to hear from OUR sponsor. Then when we get back, we’ll move onto how business can generate income for their podcast and then later, the straight shot.


Ok, so podcasting can actually make money in and of itself right, not just as a brand awareness tool.


It can, yes, but that income is typically relatively small in comparison to the benefit that the business receives as a whole, which is why it’s considered a marketing tool. But it can help cover the cost of putting on the show.




A little extra nugget there at the end with explaining a Market Analysis, I saw….


Yes, in all fairness, a marketing analysis is probably bigger than she intended to ask… she just wanted to know if her idea was good. But the research that’s involved in making sure you give her the correct answer involves more work. As you know, everything we do is based on collecting data so that we don’t ever guess or give the wrong answer. But she could have a much trimmed Market Analysis to give her what she was looking for.. But yes, Reformation Productions does perform Market Analysises, Analysees, whatever the word.


But I do applaud her asking. Starting a business of any sort, including a podcast, is a serious endeavor. And there are other challenges that come along side this journey.. Let’s watch.


I’m for the challenge… I’m up for the challenge all the time to bring this show to our audience.



So Zachary, what about the straight shot for today. You said a lot, what are the main take-aways from today’s lesson?


Let’s see here…. A few observations -


Technology move us forward by providing CHOICE and CONVENIENCE.

-If you are looking for the next “wave” in technology, those are the attributes to look for.


Targeted audience

-beyond content, this is the GOLD of podcasting. Don’t try to serve everyone. Serve a specific audience,

very well…


Bring them value

-no one wants to hear from you unless you bring them something that is going to be valuable to them.


Do your home work

-Just like any other business decision, accept no shortcuts. Do the work to ensure the most success possible.


Build Vs Buy

-Most decisions come down to this. Recognizing that, will make it easier to answer. I don’t build my own computers for the agency anymore –I know how, but I don’t do it. Because my time is better spent working for my clients that building computers that are going to need upgraded again in 6 mos.


So there you have it folks…

That’s today’s episode so good thinking points when considering taking your business into the world of podcasting.

Please make sure you subscribe, like, or comment on our episode. Talk to us on social media. Thanks for spending time with us today. I truly hope it brought you and your business value.





Category Straight Shot Marketing Podcast


Reformation Productions is a full service marketing agency in the Atlanta, GA metro. To find out more about the agency  visit www.ReformationProductions.com. Connect with us on Facebook at fb.com/reformationproductions. Blog content is © Reformation Productions. To receive more marketing tips and insights, sign up for our newsletter, Straight Shot, at www.ReformationProductions.com/contact.html to be one of the first to know when they are published here at www.ReformationProductions.com. You can also sign up for notifications by texting "Reformation" to 90210 from your mobile phone.



